Contact: Matt Hobbs, MTAA CEO
Tel:          03 9829 1250
0419 608 845
Postal:    650 Victoria Street, North Melbourne VIC 3051


Franchising Review Government Response

The MTAA welcomes the Australian Government’s response to the Independent Review of the Franchising Code of Conduct led by Dr Michael Schaper issued today.

With the Government agreeing or agreeing in principle to all of Dr Schaper’s 23 recommendations, the MTAA applauds the Government for recognising that a fairer balance between franchisees and franchisors needs to be struck.

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Apprenticeship program changes the right step in creating a future EV workforce

MTAA welcomes changes made to the New Energy Apprenticeship Program announced today by the Australian Government.

The expansion of the program will encourage more apprentices to consider the dynamic automotive sector as their preferred career choice and enter a profession at the forefront of Australia’s shift to clean energy; servicing and supporting the country’s growing electric vehicle (EV) fleet.

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Changes to apprentice incentives threaten pipeline of automotive talent

The Australian automotive industry continues to suffer from an acute and extended skills shortage. Attracting more apprentices to the sector will reverse the trend yet moves to reduce incentives could stifle apprenticeship numbers.
Lodged today, the MTAA submission to the Australian Government’s Strategic Review of the Australian Apprenticeship Incentive System raises the alarm on changes to apprentice incentives and calls for greater support.

View the MTAA Submission here

Read the full media release.

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