CVIAA & MTAA Response to C-RIS Draft Code for the Land Transport of Dangerous Goods
MTAA Responce: Consideration of a licencing regime for the franchise sector
MTAA Response to RIS Consumer Guarantees
MTAA Franchising Exposure Draft Submission
MTAA Modernising the LCT for fuel efficient vehicles Submission
MTAA Response to the National EOLT Project Discussion Paper
MTAA Net Zero Consultation Roadmap Response
Driving forward: MTAA releases Election Blueprint for a sustainable automotive future
MTAA Response to Automated Vehicle Safety Reforms Consultation
MTAA’s response to Jobs and Skills Australia’s (JSA) ) Draft Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL)
MTAA submission - Strategic Review into Australian Apprenticeship incentive scheme
MTAA Inquiry into the transition to EVs submission
MTAA 2024 pre-budget submission
MTAA response to the Commonwealth Government’s Covid-19 Response Inquiry
CVIAA 2023 Response to NTCs Reforms
MTAA Personal Property Security Act
Response to the National Heavy Vehicle Inspection Scheme’s Discussion Paper
MTAA Submission - Legislating the objective of superannuation - Exposure Draft Feedback
MTAA Submission - Safe Work Australia Consultation Paper - WHS incident notification
MTAA Submission - Closing Loopholes Bill
Motor Trades Association of Australia Submission - Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee - May 2023
Motor Trades Association of Australia Submission - Senate Education and Employment References Committee - April 2023
End Of Life Tyre National Submission.
MTAA 2023 Franchising Code Review Submission.
MTAA Unfair Contract Terms.
MTAA Response to Review of Electrical Safety Act 2002.
Automotive Industry Alliance FES Submission 31 May 2023.
MTAA submission Federal Budget Summary.
Directions in Australia’s Automotive Industry: An Industry Report
2023 MVIRI_Code_Review FinalReport.pdf
Inquiry into the Perceptions and Status of Vocational Education & Training.pdf
MTAA Federal Pre-Budget 23-24 Submission.pdf
MTAA Submission Draft RIS Better fuel for Cleaner Vehicles.pdf
MTAA Submission Australian Apprenticeship Services and Supports Discussion Paper.pdf
- MTAA Submission to EEC Committee inquiry into the Jobs and Skills Australia Bill 2022 [Provisions] and the Jobs and Skills Australia (National Skills Commissioner Repeal) Bill 2022 [Provisions].
- MTAA Submission to Senate Standing Committees on Economics inquiry into Treasury Laws Amendment (Electric Car Discount) Bill 2022.
- Consultation RIS - Improving the effectiveness of the consumer guarantee and supplier indemnification provisions under the Australian Consumer Law
- Submission from MTAA Limited- Improving the effectiveness of the consumer guarantee and supplier indemnification provisions under the Australian Consumer Law
Inquiry into Australia's Skilled Migration Program.pdf
MTAA Right to Repair Inquiry.pdf
MTAA Submission Automotive Franchsing Discussion Paper.pdf
MTAA Submission Scheme Rules.pdf
MTAA submission to franchising penalty consultation.pdf
MTAA Unfair Contract Terms Submission.pdf
MTAA Submission ARC - National Research Priorities - 27 May 2019
MTAA Submission ASIC - Responsible Lending Conduct - 20 May 2019
MTAA Submission Treasury - Employee Share Schemes -18 May 2019
MTAA Submission Treasury - Financial Industry Codes - 3 May 2019
MTAA Submission to Treasury Department on Mandatory scheme for the sharing of motor vehicle service and repair information
MTAA Dealer - Manufacturer RIS Submission
MTAA Submission to Expert review of Australias VET System
UCT Review Extension MTAA Submission
MTAA has provided comprehensive confidential submissions (that are not public) to:
- The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry
- Australian Competition and Consumer Commission in regard to matters impacting the smash repair industry, new car franchise motor vehicle dealers, unfair contract terms and conditions and potential breaches of Australian Consumer Law, Competition and Consumer Act and Industry Codes of Conduct.
Explanatory notes to MTAA Draft Code of Conduct
Draft Code of Conduct for Access to Service, Repair and Technical information
Future employment services reform
MTAA limited submission to joint parliamentary committee vehicle and parts trafficking
MTAA limited supplementary submission to ACCC new car retailing market study
MTAA submission ACCC quad bikes 2nd submission
MTAA submission ACL changes
MTAA submission for the next generation of employment services
MTAA submission for the NHVR master industry code of conduct v2
MTAA submission into the review of small business tax concessions v2
MTAA submission into unfair contract terms in insurance contracts
MTAA submission introducing an economy wide cash payment limit
MTAA submission measurement law review
MTAA submission removing LCT on re-imported cars refurbished overseas
RACQ reauthorisation application submission
RVSB MTAA submission
SA proposed motorcycle changes submitted
Treasury misuse of market power discussion paper